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Taking that first step….again

Have you heard the proverb “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step?”  What happens if you feel as if you’ve taken that first step numerous times? I have to admit that over the years I’ve started and stopped my way to a healthier lifestyle more times than I can count. Sometimes I wasn’t really committed and others I was gung ho and all the way in but time and again something would throw me off course and I struggled to find my way back.

This last time the reason behind my motivated attitude was because I was in kidney failure, trying to delay dialysis as long as possible and needing a new kidney. Pretty good reason to stick to the game plan wouldn’t you say? I thought so too and really got myself going with tracking my calories, changing my eating habits and exercising on a regular basis and the results were there. I was blessed to have my transplant in April 2017 and I was ready to get back to my life. Unfortunately, between the meds, being homebound for a certain time frame and not being able to do too much physical activity in the beginning I did put back on a few pounds. It was discouraging but I knew it was a short term fall back and I started walking outside in an effort to increase my stamina, to drink plenty of fluids (namely water) and watch what I ate. I was excited to get back into my routine of healthy eating and more exercise.

For a few weeks things were going well as I was able to go out, visit with friends, shop and begin planning what came next. One day I missed exercise due to a busy schedule then it happened again in the same week. This has always been how my pattern would begin until I was back to square one. The difference this time is I knew I was capable of sticking to a routine, knew that my goals were achievable and that I now had a brand new kidney that deserved better. Even knowing all of this I found myself struggling to get back on track. Why? What is so difficult to understand? How can I be a counselor who helps others work on changing the mindsets that held them in place and not be able to take my own advice? But there you have it….my secret….the fact that while I might be able to help you make those changes that will enable you to live a healthier, more productive life I find myself struggling to do the same. I still struggle with the mindset that got me in trouble in the first place. So I continue to look at myself, to examine what I know, what it means to me and how I go about putting it into real life application.

I have begun telling myself each morning that I can do it and that not that long ago I had accomplished a goal that I initially found daunting. I tell myself that in addition to wanting/needing to keep my new kidney working at optimal levels that I want to feel better overall. I want to move easier, to breathe easier, to feel comfortable in my skin again. I have developed somewhat of an obsession with Pinterest:-) I’ve been experimenting with new, fun and healthy recipes that I share with family (because they make excellent taste testers). I have begun moving more, getting back into my exercise routine as well as joining a Yoga/Pilates Fusion class….please pray I can get off the floor after the first class 

Another new journey is that I’ve decided to start classes to become a Certified Health Coach. I want to be able to work with others who are diagnosed with various health issues and may be struggling with taking that first step or haven’t figured out how to accomplish changing their unhealthy habits or what mindset is holding them back. My passion is helping others so whether that is as a counselor or health coach I am looking forward to giving back the love, support and guidance I’ve been blessed with. I believe this new journey will allow me to not only learn about myself and things that will help me but also enable me to share those lessons with others. As always, thank you for listening and I look forward to hearing any of your own stories that you might want to share. “Avere Forza” (Have Strength).


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