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Here’s to another day of giving thanks

I just wanted to send out a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone however you may be celebrating or spending your day. I have been truly blessed by all those who have been and are in my life. Some have left too soon and I think of them often and miss them everyday, some have left and made me a better person for the lessons learned, and some are there no matter where I am, what I need or how long it may have been since we’ve talked or been in the same room together.

I know there may be some who struggle to find the happy in any day, who are hard pressed to identify something that they can be thankful for and I do not want to diminish or discount their feelings. I will say that something I have begun advising clients (while still struggling with myself and continue to practice taking my own advice) is at the end of every day look back and find at least one thing, no matter how small, that was positive in your day. Was there one thing that made you smile, one aspect that gave you a laugh, did you provide someone else with pick me up, did you notice one change today from yesterday that made a difference? It is not always easy and it does take practice but by focusing our energies on finding that one, sometimes almost forgettable item, we can take that small step and turn it into a larger change.

I have no illusions of achieving perfection and I have no interest in being perfect….how boring would that be?  I do want to find balance in my life which includes my body, mind and spirit. I want to be the best version of me that I can be. I have begun my journey to find out what that best version is and I know I may struggle and hit roadblocks but I also know that this time around I will go around, under, and/or through those roadblocks before I allow anything or anyone including my own insecurities to hold me back.

So, I’m sending out my sincerest thanks and wishes for each and every one of you out there. May this day be the first day on your road to finding your balance (whatever that means to you) and discovering what is motivating you to move forward.

As always, I love hearing from everyone whether you agree, disagree, and/or want to comment. 


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